Porcelain Vase Preserved Rose Degrades
Our Marveled Rose arrangements are created with the greatest dedication and care possible, the staff is qualified and takes care of every detail. our preserved roses are distinguished from others by their special scented, smell a marveled rose falls in love, it is impossible to resist its charm.
The Basic Maintenance of Preserved Roses
Preserved roses are great; not only because they help you conserve your memories, but also because you don’t need to develop all the talent of a florist to keep them looking perfect. With preserved roses, you can enjoy the beauty of a natural blossom without investing all the time and energy you spent when taking care of fresh cut flowers. Isn’t it perfect? Here are our tips for you to enjoy your preserved roses for a long time:
1. Keep preserved roses indoors.
There are different elements outdoors that may decrease the long-lasting life of preserved roses. These are dust, humidity, wind, temperature changes, and even curious animals that may want to play with your preserved roses. That’s why your best choice when taking care of an arrangement of preserved roses is to keep it indoors.
2. Keep peserved roses in a cool, dry place.
There are certain places in a house that trap humidity and hit more than others, like the kitchen. Among them are definitely not the right places for preserved roses. Excess of humidity and hit decrease the life of any natural flower, no matter if this is fresh or preserved. Since preserved roses are a compound of organic elements, you need to avoid exposing them to environments that accelerate their degradation.
3. Do not expose preserved roses directly to sunlight.
With the help of innovative technology, preserved roses are re-colorized during the process of preservation, after absorbing a special liquid that little by little replaces their sap and water. So, take into account that extended exposure to direct sunlight may result in color loss in preserved roses.
4. Avoid any contact of preserved roses with water.
Despite preserved roses look and feel exactly like recently cut fresh roses, they cannot be exposed to water in any form since they may lose the properties that make them last for a long time. This means, you don’t need to replace the water in a vase every now and then to keep your preserved roses looking great.
5. Avoid Crushing, pressing or folding petals.
Don’t forget that preserved roses are still natural flowers and some of the considerations you apply when taking care of fresh flowers apply to preserved roses as well. If someone crush, press of fold the petals of a preserved rose, this will lose its beauty and even may break, as it would happen with the petals of any fresh flower.
6. Use a dry, cool air stream for cleaning.
The last but not least tip for taking care of preserved roses is to keep it clean. Preserved roses can last up to 3 years and inevitably will retain some dust. The best way to clean an arrangement of preserved roses is to use a dry, cool air stream every month.